Sumner Place to require COVID-19 Vaccination for all Team Members

The leadership at Sumner Place, a Vetter Senior Living Facility, embraces the COVID vaccines that have dramatically reduced COVID-19 cases and the severity of illness in long term care. The vaccines have offered hope in a time when it is desperately needed. We have decided to embrace the vaccination mandate and are requiring all team […]

Teala Ward, CNA/MA, Receives Vetter Scholarship

Teala Ward, Nursing Assistant and Medication Aide, was recently awarded a Vetter Scholarship. Vetter Senior Living is dedicated to providing growth and educational opportunities to our team members each year. Those that are chosen to receive the Vetter Scholarship are team members who are passionate about both their personal and professional growth. They are dedicated […]

5 Star Rated Facility by CMS

We are honored to be a 5 star rated facility by CMS. “CMS created the Five-Star Quality Rating System to help consumers, their families, and caregivers compare nursing homes more easily and to help identify areas about which you may want to ask questions. The Nursing Home Compare Web site features a quality rating system […]

Veteran-To-Veteran Café

Sumner Place is honored to host Veterans-To-Veterans Café sponsored by AseraCare Hospice. All military Veterans are welcome to attend! Save the date for our next Veterans-To-Veterans Café on Tuesday, March 17th, 2020 from 10:00am – 11:00am. Please join us as we thank you for your service. […]

Wiebusch Receives Masters Degree

Congratulations to our Social Services Coordinator, Sarah Wiebusch, for recently receiving her Master’s in Social Work and Public Administration! Sarah has worked at Sumner Place for 3 ½ years now. What she loves most about working at Sumner Place is our teamwork and our culture. “I love that everyone is truly here for the residents.” […]

Gall Receives “Dignity in Life” Award

At the most recent Vetter Senior Living Life Enrichment Conference, Monika Gall, Life Enrichment Coordinator at Sumner Place Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation, was presented with the “Dignity In Life” award due to her ongoing development of Music and Memory at Sumner Place. Music and Memory provides access to personalized music through the use of iPods […]

Vetter Senior Living Receives National Great Place to Work® Certification

Elkhorn, Nebraska — Vetter Senior Living, a non-profit company serving seniors in five midwestern states, is proud to announce that all of its locations have been certified as GREAT WORKPLACES by the independent analysts at Great Place to Work®. Vetter Senior Living (VSL) employs more than 3,500 people and earned this credential based on extensive […]

Sumner Place is Ranked 1st in Nebraska based on a 2-Cycle Survey Score!

In the most recent update of survey ratings by the American Health Care Association, Sumner Place Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation was ranked the number one Skilled Nursing Facility in the state of Nebraska. The “Top-Line” rating is a result of all recent surveys. Sumner Place is highly focused on “Family Serving Family”. Relationships, services and […]

Celebrating National Long-Term Care Week

National Long Term Care Week was May 13th through May 19th. With the theme this year being “Celebrating Life Stories”, we kicked off the week with a PowerPoint presentation made by Joel, Life Enrichment Assistant. Each slide represented a resident with a picture and a couple fun facts about each one. We also had a […]

Senior Prom 2018

On Thursday, April 26th, Sumner Place held their annual Senior Prom. In early April, formal gowns for the women along with men’s formal wear from Clara’s Closet were delivered. Residents had a couple weeks to choose their attire for the event. Prom day quickly arrived and residents spent the morning getting their hair and make-up […]

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