Sumner Place Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Receives a Perfect Score!

Lincoln, Nebraska – In the most recent survey administered by the Nebraska Department of Heath and Human Services, Sumner Place was rated deficiency-free for the third straight year in a row! Sumner Place Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation is proud to announce that it has received a “deficiency-free” result on its annual Department of Public Health […]

Myth: Skilled Nursing Care center patients never leave or go out on trips

Fact: Skilled Nursing Care centers care for a variety of patients, each with different needs. Some will stay only for a month recovering from an injury or illness; other patients, like those with serious medical conditions, might require a lengthier stay of a year or more. On average, one of four people being cared for […]

Knots of Love

In the words of Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber, Lloyd Christmas: Excuse me, little old lady. Do you have change for a dollar? Elderly Lady: Change? No I’m sorry, I don’t. Lloyd Christmas: Well, can you do me a favor and watch my stuff here while I go break a dollar? Elderly Lady: Of […]

Care Conversations make difficult decisions easier

Care Conversationsā„¢ is about people working together toward a shared goal. Through information and guidance, Care Conversations helps people connect with loved ones, health care providers and industry professionals. Care Conversations provides insight into the care planning process and firsthand accounts of various care experiences. With the understanding that each personā€™s situation is unique, multifaceted […]

Service is nothing but Love in work clothes

Did you know that nursing assistants provide up to 90% of the hands-on care to our elder loved ones? Nursing Assistants perform a job that is both physically and emotionally demanding. Here are just a few daily reasons to say ā€œthank youā€ and show support and appreciation to nursing assistants: washing and dressing residents for […]

Father’s Day

Save the date: Friday, June 13th, 2-4 p.m., a special Fatherā€™s day event at Sumner Place, the Cornhusker Model A Ford Club will be showing classic autos. These words seem to capture what makes a fatherā€™s love special: When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you hang up my first painting on the refrigerator, […]

Mothers Day

Save the date: Sunday, May 11th at 2:00 pm, a special Motherā€™s Day ā€œPots of Loveā€ event is at Sumner Place. These words seem to capture why God created mothers: Your Mother is always with you. She’s the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street. She’s the smell of certain foods you […]

National Nursing Home Week

Please join us during National Nursing Home Week, May 11th-17th, as we celebrate Living the Aloha Spirit! This week is an opportunity to reflect on how the long term care profession and every skilled care center promotes quality care and quality life for their residents, families, and staff. Events planned for this special week include: […]


ā€œThe power of a ‘tender loving care’ to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience. ‘Tender loving care’ moves the flesh, it pushes matter around…. Throughout history, ‘tender loving care’ has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing.ā€ Sumner Place will celebrate nursing professionals for their dedication and […]

Sumner Place Wins HealthCaps Photo Contest

For the past six years, Health Caps has provided an opportunity for long term care facilities to enter into a photo contest that consists of three categories: Buildings and Grounds, Residents and Families, and Caregivers. This year Sumner Place was awarded 1st place in the Resident and Family category for a grand prize of $1,000!! […]

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